Plumbing Innovations You Should Know About

Plumbing technology continues to evolve over the years. New advancements in plumbing can offer you multiple benefits, from saving you money on monthly bills and repair fees, to making your home more energy efficient. If you want to improve your plumbing in general, consider implementing some of these innovations in your home.

Trenchless Technology

A common problem with many households in Texas is the disruption and failure of sewer lines and other underground systems due to tree roots or other factors. While plumbers used to destroy lawns by creating trenches to fix these issues, trenchless methods have proven effective, eliminating previous drawbacks. For instance, pipe relining allows a plumber to coat pipes with an adhesive that lasts for several years. The plumber only needs to dig a single hole and use a camera and hydraulic equipment to apply it.

Touchless Plumbing

Homeowners are increasingly using touchless plumbing equipment in their home, such as touchless toilets or faucets, which are usually associated with commercial locations. This touchless technology uses motion sensors that detect the user’s movements to function. People use hands-free plumbing to prevent the spread of germs and diseases, as well as for aesthetic pleasure. Touchless faucets are more popular than touchless toilets in households and come with a variety of designs.

Energy Efficient Water Heaters

Several innovations in water heating have increased energy efficiency without giving up the quality of the service. For example, insulated water heaters cut heat losses by 24-25%, and save you 7-16% on the water bill on a yearly basis. Tankless water heaters also reduce the large consumption of water caused by tanks through on-demand water heating when you turn on the hot water. Other efficient water heater alternatives include heat pump and solar systems.

PEX Piping

The use of crosslinked polyethylene (PEX) in piping, as opposed to copper, is rising due to the numerous innovations the material brings. PEX is not a metal, so it has no vulnerability to corrosion. Also, PEX piping has fewer connection points, limiting the risk of a leak. Finally, its flexibility allows for fitting around corners and different connections, so you can save the money you would normally spend on extra supplies and material.


Recent Plumbing Innovations Can Make Life Easier

Plumbing Innovations You Should Know About