Why a Drain Smells Like Rotten Eggs or Sulfur

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Why Does My Drain Smell Like Sulfur or Rotten Eggs?

No one likes hanging out in a smelly home. Yet, that can be the reality for many homeowners dealing with a foul sulfur or rotten egg odor from their kitchen sinks, bathroom sinks, and shower drains.

The smell can be so unpleasant and continuous that you’ll likely wish you knew why your drain smells like sulfur so you can solve the issue! The good news is you can have all the information you need to get rid of a sulfur smell from drain systems as quickly as possible. Learn how to remove sulfur smell from drain systems below and why it’s there in the first place!

Why Does My Drain Smell Like Sulfur?

You won’t be asking, ‘Why does my drain smell like sulfur?’ for long! Two common reasons exist for a stinky drain in a home or business. The odor comes from hydrogen sulfide, one of the many compounds in gas produced by sewage. However, its reason for being in your home may be due to any of the following:

Clogged Drain

If your drains smell like sulfur, they may be clogged or partially clogged. When sinks get clogged, they start to drain slowly. Over time, bacteria builds up in the P-trap, creating hydrogen sulfide gas. When your sink drain smells like sulfur, an easy fix can often be taking care of the clog or partial clog.

Unused Sink

Having a sulfur smell in drain systems doesn’t always mean you have a pipe blockage. If a sink hasn’t been used in a while, you may start to notice a terrible sulfur or rotten egg smell. When sinks aren’t used, water in the P-traps can dry up from a lack of use. When that happens, gas from the sewer lines can rise out of the drain.

Dirty Garbage Disposal

If you’re constantly asking yourself, ‘Why do my drains smell like sulfur?’ but you don’t have a blockage, consider whether it might be your kitchen garbage disposal system. A dirty garbage disposal system can smell awful when food and bacteria collect in the drain.

Leaking Pipes

While not always common, leaking pipes can sometimes be to blame for the smell of rotten eggs in a home. If drain pipes start leaking behind walls or under the floor, waste in the drain may leak into insulation materials and possibly even drywall. Leaks may also release pungent gasses from the drain line.

Biofilm Buildup

Has it been some time since you thoroughly cleaned your shower drain? A faint smell of sulfur or rotten eggs may be caused by biofilm buildup. Biofilm buildup is a colony of bacteria and their waste that looks like slime or muck. It’s usually pink or orange in color and occurs when bacteria has access to soap scum, skin, dirt, hair, oil, and other debris.

How to Test Your Water for a Sulfur Smell

Drains are often the culprit when you notice a sulfur smell from shower drain networks, bathrooms, and kitchens. Yet, sometimes, it’s the water. Here’s how you can test whether your drain or the water is to blame:

  1. Fill a glass of water from the sink that smells like sulfur
  2. Take it outside and smell it

If you can smell sulfur in the water, repeat the steps by filling a glass from a different sink in your house. If both glasses of water smell like rotten eggs, the water is likely to blame. In that case, call a service professional immediately. There may be an issue with your water main or the municipal water supply.

Otherwise, if only the glass of water from the sink with the smelly drain smells like sulfur, that drain may be the issue.

How to Get Rid of Sulfur Smell in Drain Systems

Now that you know the likely cause of your rotten egg woes, you’re likely now asking, ‘How do I get rid of sulfur smell in drain systems?’ You may like to explore some of the following options based on the cause.

If it’s your garbage disposal:

  • Make sure your garbage disposal is clean
  • Run your garbage disposal regularly with a cleaner product or ice cubes
  • Put lemon wedges and peel down the disposal unit to reduce or eliminate odors
  • Pour baking soda into the disposal to absorb odor – its abrasive properties may also help remove any stuck food!

If it’s your kitchen, bathroom, or shower drain:

A sulfur smell in shower drain networks, kitchen sinks, bathroom sinks, and other drains can indicate potential clogs and problems that require special plumbing tools and knowledge. Contact your local Mr. Rooter Plumbing by phone or request an estimate online.